How to Smoke Cheese Traeger [With Expert Tips]

Smoking cheese on a Traeger grill is a delicious and simple way to add a smoky flavor to your cheese platter. Whether you are a seasoned grill master or just starting out, smoking cheese on a Traeger is an easy and flavorful way to impress your guests.

In this guide, we will walk you through the steps of how to smoke cheese Traeger, including what type of cheese to use, what wood chips to add for flavor, and how to maintain the perfect temperature to smoke your cheese to perfection.

So, let’s get started and smoke some cheese!

How to Smoke Cheese Traeger

How to Smoke Cheese Traeger
How to Smoke Cheese Traeger

Smoking cheese is a delicious and unique way to enjoy your favorite cheeses. Not only does it add a rich smoky flavor, but it also gives the cheese a beautiful appearance and texture. If you have a Traeger grill, smoking cheese is an easy and convenient way to enjoy this delightful treat.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to smoke cheese on a Traeger grill.


  • Traeger grill
  • Cheese (cheddar, gouda, brie, etc.)
  • Smoke wood chips (hickory, apple, mesquite, etc.)
  • Aluminum foil

Step 1: Prepare the Traeger grill

Set up your Traeger grill for smoking and turn it on to preheat to 225°F. You’ll want to have a consistent temperature throughout the smoking process, so make sure to keep the grill at this temperature.

Step 2: Choose your cheese

Select your favorite cheese. Aged cheddar, gouda, and brie are popular choices for smoking. Cut the cheese into 1-inch thick slices or blocks, depending on your preference. Make sure to choose cheese that is at room temperature.

Step 3: Add smoke wood chips

Once the grill is preheated, add your desired smoke wood chips to the Traeger’s hopper. You can choose any type of smoke wood that you like, such as hickory, apple, mesquite, etc.

Step 4: Smoke the cheese

Wrap the cheese in aluminum foil to create a tight seal and prevent any smoke from escaping. Place the cheese on the grill grates and smoke for about 30 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the desired smoky flavor. You can check the cheese after 30 minutes to see if it’s reached your desired level of smokiness.

Step 5: Serve and enjoy

Once the cheese has finished smoking, remove it from the grill and unwrap it. Let the cheese rest for a few minutes to allow the smoky flavor to settle. Serve the cheese with crackers, bread, or fruit, and enjoy the rich smoky flavor!

Smoking cheese on a Traeger grill is an easy and convenient way to enjoy this delightful treat. With this step-by-step guide, you’ll be able to smoke cheese to perfection in no time. Whether you’re a cheese lover or a barbecue enthusiast, smoking cheese is a must-try experience that you won’t want to miss!

What type of cheese to smoke on a Traeger

Smoking cheese on a Traeger grill is a great way to enhance its flavor and create a unique and delicious taste. However, not all cheese is created equal when it comes to smoking, and it’s important to choose the right type of cheese to get the best results.

Hard vs. Soft Cheese:

When smoking cheese, it’s important to consider the consistency of the cheese, as hard cheeses like cheddar, gouda, and parmesan will hold up better during the smoking process than softer cheeses like brie or camembert. Hard cheeses can also handle longer smoking times and higher temperatures, while softer cheeses should be smoked for shorter periods of time at lower temperatures to avoid melting.

Popular Cheese Choices for Smoking:

There are many delicious types of cheese that are great for smoking, but some of the most popular include cheddar, gouda, parmesan, blue cheese, feta, and manchego. These cheeses have a strong flavor and hold up well during the smoking process, creating a delicious and unique taste.

Tips for Selecting the Right Cheese for Smoking:

When choosing cheese for smoking, consider the flavor profile you’re looking for and the consistency of the cheese. It’s also a good idea to experiment with different types of cheese to find what you like best. Additionally, be sure to look for cheese that is well-aged, as the flavor will be more pronounced and enhance the smoky flavor.

The type of cheese you choose to smoke on your Traeger grill can greatly impact the outcome of the finished product. Whether you choose a hard or soft cheese, selecting the right type of cheese will help ensure that you end up with delicious and flavorful smoked cheese that is sure to impress your guests.

Preparing the Traeger for smoking cheese

how to smoke cream cheese on a traeger

Once you’ve selected the perfect cheese to smoke on your Traeger grill, it’s time to prepare the grill for the smoking process. By following these steps, you can ensure that your cheese turns out perfectly smoked every time.

Cleaning the Grates and Drip Pan:

Before you start smoking your cheese, it’s important to clean the grates and drip pan of your Traeger grill. This will help prevent any unwanted flavors from contaminating your cheese, and will also make it easier to remove the cheese from the grill once it’s done.

Adding Wood Chips for Flavor:

Wood chips are a great way to add flavor to your cheese while it’s smoking on the Traeger. When choosing wood chips, consider the flavor profile you’re looking for. Popular options include hickory, apple, cherry, and mesquite, but you can also experiment with different types of wood chips to find what you like best. Simply add a handful of wood chips to the hopper of your Traeger, and they will smoke as the grill heats up.

Adjusting the Temperature Settings:

The temperature settings on your Traeger are critical to the success of smoking cheese. For most types of cheese, a temperature of around 225°F to 250°F is recommended. However, it’s important to note that the temperature and cooking time may vary depending on the type of cheese you’re smoking. Be sure to monitor the temperature throughout the smoking process, and adjust the settings as needed.

Preparing your Traeger grill for smoking cheese is a crucial step in the process. By cleaning the grates and drip pan, adding wood chips for flavor, and adjusting the temperature settings, you can ensure that your cheese turns out perfectly smoked every time.

Smoking the cheese

Once your Traeger grill is prepared, it’s time to smoke the cheese! This is the step where you’ll bring all the elements together to create a delicious and flavorful smoked cheese that is sure to impress your guests.

Placing the Cheese on the Grill:

When you’re ready to smoke the cheese, place it directly on the grates of your Traeger grill. Be sure to place the cheese in a single layer, giving it enough room to smoke evenly. If you’re smoking a large quantity of cheese, you may need to smoke it in batches.

Monitoring the Temperature:

It’s important to monitor the temperature throughout the smoking process to ensure that your cheese turns out perfectly. You can use a digital thermometer to monitor the temperature of the cheese, making sure it doesn’t get too hot or cold. The temperature and cooking time may vary depending on the type of cheese you’re smoking, so be sure to keep an eye on the temperature throughout the process.

Maintaining the Smoke:

The smoke from the wood chips is what gives the cheese its unique flavor, so it’s important to maintain the smoke throughout the cooking process. Keep the hopper of your Traeger filled with wood chips, and be sure to keep the lid of the grill closed as much as possible to maintain the smoke inside.

Checking the Cheese for Doneness:

Once the cheese has been smoked for the recommended amount of time, it’s time to check for doneness. The cheese should be slightly melted and have a golden brown color. If it’s not quite done yet, continue smoking until it reaches the desired consistency.

Smoking the cheese on your Traeger grill is the final step in the process. By monitoring the temperature, maintaining the smoke, and checking the cheese for doneness, you can ensure that your cheese turns out perfectly smoked every time.

Serving and storing the smoked cheese

Now that your cheese has been perfectly smoked on your Traeger grill, it’s time to serve and store it. Here’s what you need to know to ensure that your cheese stays fresh and flavorful.

Serving the Smoked Cheese:

Smoked cheese can be served in a variety of ways, depending on your personal preference. Some popular serving options include serving it on crackers or bread, using it as a topping for grilled meats or vegetables, or simply eating it on its own. When serving smoked cheese, be sure to let it cool for a few minutes to allow the flavors to settle.

Storing the Smoked Cheese:

If you have any leftover smoked cheese, it’s important to store it properly to keep it fresh and flavorful. Smoked cheese should be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator, where it will keep for up to one week. If you’re storing a large quantity of cheese, you can also wrap it in plastic wrap or aluminum foil to help keep it fresh.

Reheating the Smoked Cheese:

If you need to reheat the smoked cheese, it’s best to do so in the oven or on the grill. This will help the cheese to maintain its smoky flavor and texture. Simply place the cheese on a baking sheet and bake in the oven at 350°F for 5 to 10 minutes, or place it back on the grates of your Traeger grill and heat until it’s warm.

Serving and storing smoked cheese is an important part of the process. By following these tips, you can ensure that your cheese stays fresh and flavorful, even after it has been smoked. Whether you’re serving it as a snack, using it as a topping, or reheating it for later, your smoked cheese is sure to be a hit with everyone who tries it.

Cold Smoked Cheese Recipe | Traeger Grills

  • Preheat the Traeger grill to 225 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Place the cheese on the grill grates and smoke for 30-60 minutes, or until the desired level of smokiness is achieved
  • Remove the cheese from the grill and allow it to cool slightly before serving
  • Enjoy!

How to Smoke Cheese in a Smoker

If you love cheese and smoked foods, then you’ll love smoked cheese! It’s easy to smoke cheese in a smoker, and the results are delicious. Here’s how to do it:

  • Choose your cheese. Any type of cheese will work, but harder cheeses like cheddar or Swiss will take longer to smoke than softer cheeses like brie or Camembert.
  • Cut the cheese into pieces that will fit easily in your smoker. If using a block of cheese, cut it into 1-inch cubes.
  • Place the cheese on the smoking racks inside your smoker, making sure there is space between each piece so that the smoke can circulate evenly.
  • Set the temperature on your smoker to low (around 200 degrees Fahrenheit) and let it preheat for about 15 minutes before adding your wood chips or pellets. We recommend using hickory or apple wood for smoking Cheese as they provide a nice flavor without being too overwhelming.
  • Add your wood chips or pellets to the smoker and close the door.
  • Smoke the cheese for 2-3 hours, or until it reaches the desired level of smokiness.
  • Remove the cheese from the smoker and enjoy!

How to Smoke Cheese With a Smoke Tube

If you’re a fan of smoked cheese, you know that the process can be somewhat involved. You need to have the right equipment and materials on hand, and it takes some time to get the perfect flavor. But if you follow these steps, you’ll be able to smoke cheese like a pro in no time!

First, gather your supplies. You’ll need a smoke tube (this is what will actually hold the cheese while it smokes), wood chips (we recommend hickory or apple wood), and a metal grate or rack to place inside the smoke tube. If you’re using a charcoal grill, you’ll also need some lit coals.

Once you have everything assembled, it’s time to start smoking! Place your wood chips in the bottom of the smoke tube, then add your cheese on top of the metal grate or rack. If you’re using a charcoal grill, place the lit coals underneath the smoke tube.

Then close up your grill and let it do its thing! After about 30-60 minutes, open up your grill and check on your cheese. It should have a nice smoky flavor and aroma.

If not, give it a few more minutes before checking again. Once it’s reached perfection, remove it from the heat and enjoy!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Can You Use a Traeger to Smoke Cheese?

Smoking cheese is a great way to add flavor and depth to your favorite recipes. While you can use any type of smoker to smoke cheese, a Traeger smoker is ideal because it provides consistent heat and smoke flavor. To smoke cheese on a Traeger, start by preheating your smoker to 225 degrees Fahrenheit.

Then, place your cheese on the smoking grate and let it smoke for 30-60 minutes, or until it reaches the desired flavor profile. Remember to keep an eye on the temperature of your smoker so that it doesn’t get too hot and scorch the cheese. Once the cheese has finished smoking, remove it from the grill and enjoy!

You can use smoked cheese in all sorts of recipes, from macaroni and cheese to grilled sandwiches. Experiment with different types of cheeses and smoking times to find the perfect flavor for your next meal!

How Do You Smoke a Block of Cheese on a Traeger?

If you’re looking to add a new dimension of flavor to your cheese platter, why not try smoking it? It’s surprisingly easy to do at home, and all you need is a Traeger grill. Here’s how to smoke a block of cheese on a Traeger:

1. Set your Traeger to 225 degrees Fahrenheit and preheat for 15 minutes.
2. Cut your cheese block into 1-inch cubes and place them on the grill grate.
3. Smoke the cheese for 30-60 minutes, or until it reaches the desired level of smokiness.
4. Remove from the grill and enjoy!

How Do You Smoke Cheese in a Pellet Smoker?

When it comes to smoking cheese in a pellet smoker, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. First of all, you’ll want to make sure that the smoker is set up for indirect cooking. This means that the cheese will not be directly exposed to the heat source.

Instead, it will be placed on a rack above the heat source so that it can slowly cook without burning. One thing to keep in mind is that cheese can easily burn, so you’ll want to monitor it closely while it’s smoking. You’ll also want to use a lower temperature than you would for other meats, around 225 degrees Fahrenheit.

And finally, make sure to wrap the cheese tightly in foil or butcher paper so that it doesn’t dry out while it’s smoking. Now that you know how to set up your pellet smoker for smoking cheese, here’s how you actually do it: Place the wrapped cheese on the rack above the heat source and close the lid of the smoker.

Smoke for about 30 minutes, or until the cheese is melted and bubbly. Let cool slightly before serving. Enjoy!

How Long Does It Take to Smoke Cheese on a Pellet Grill?

It takes approximately two hours to smoke cheese on a pellet grill. The specific time will depend on the type of cheese being smoked, as well as the desired level of smokiness. For a more mild flavor, smoking for one hour should be sufficient.

For a stronger flavor, smoking for two hours or more may be necessary.


If you’re looking to add a new dimension of flavor to your cheese platter, look no further than smoking it! Smoking cheese is easy to do at home with a few simple ingredients. All you need is some cheese, wood chips, and a Traeger grill.

First, make sure your Traeger is set up for indirect grilling by preheating it to 225 degrees Fahrenheit. Next, soak some wood chips in water for about 30 minutes so they’re nice and moist. Then, drain the water from the wood chips and place them in the smoker box of your Traeger.

Now it’s time to smoke the cheese! Cut the cheese into chunks or slices that will fit on the grill grates, and place them on the grate. Close the lid of the grill and let the cheese smoke for about 60 minutes.

After an hour, check on the cheese to see if it’s reached your desired level of smokiness. If not, let it smoke for another 15-30 minutes until it’s perfect!

Robert Dennis

I am Robert Dennis - A professional grill and smoker technician, I have over 10 years of experience in the industry. I am skilled in the repair and maintenance of all types of grills and smokers and am knowledgeable in the use of a variety of tools and techniques. I share my knowledge and experience to help readers understand the inner workings of grills and smokers and how to maintain them properly. I am dedicated to providing the best information to help readers keep their grills and smokers in top working condition. - Serve Yourself -

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